Sunday, February 19, 2017

Week 6 Prompt

For this week's prompt, I would like you to think of an innovative way to promote romance, gentle reads or horror at your local library (pick one, just one!). What would be most effective? A catchy display? Some passive programming? In what ways could you incorporate integrated advisory? Pretend you're pitching an idea to your boss and write at least a paragraph in your prompt response. Hint, pinterest can come in handy, so can Facebook's ALA Think Tank. Have fun with this one!!

I love the idea of the popular "blind date with a book" program at libraries.In this program, books are wrapped up like presents and have a few words describing the book on the front. Patrons can read the very short (think 10 or fewer words) blurb and decide if the book sounds like an interesting read. The books are displayed and patrons only find out what the book is at check out. 

This program would be perfect for romance novels and other media. Romance novels are notorious for the terrible covers and often get judged for these covers and neglected by a large amount of readers. Integrated advisory can be included by wrapping up audiobooks as well as novels. It would be a great program to run in February for Valentine's Day but it could also work year round.

Princeton Public Library's display for "Blind Date with Book" 2013.: